
You can find my ResearchGate profile here



Aurélie Petit, Jason Millar, The ethics of synthetic visual sex media moderation (forthcoming)

Aurélie Petit, The limits of Zero Tolerance policies for animated pornographic media, Porn Studies, Special Issue ‘Artificial Intelligence, Pornography, and Sex Work’ (forthcoming)

Aurélie Petit, The hentai streaming platform wars, Porn Studies (forthcoming) 

Aurélie Petit (Contributor), Generative AI and the Creator Economy: A Research Agenda, Microsoft Research

Aurélie Petit, WickedWhims: A conversation about adult content creation and responsible adult mods design in the Sims franchise by Aurélie Petit, Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG).

Aurélie Petit, The Bruno Edera Project: Archiving Adult Animation. Fantasy/Animation.

Aurélie Petit, The moderation of AI-Generated adult animation. Animation and video-generating AI. Animation Studies 2.0.

Aurélie Petit, The digital ethnographic potential of animated documentaries in Knit’s Island. Ottawa International Animation Festival 2023 Review. Short Ends.

Conference papers

Aurélie Petit, The Hentai Streaming Platform Wars, Association of Internet Researchers, Sheffield, UK (forthcoming)

Aurélie Petit, Moderating AI animation in practice,The Revolution of Animation: Current Challenges and Future Directions, AG Animation and VIA University College, Viborg, Danemark (forthcoming)

Aurélie Petit, B̷l̷a̷c̷k̷ ̷P̷u̷d̷d̷i̷n̷g̷ (Wilding AI Lab)MUTEK FORUM, Montreal, Canada

Aurélie Petit, The Limits of Zero Tolerance Policies for Animated Pornographic Media, Global Digital Intimacies Conference, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Aurélie Petit, The Links between AI-assisted and CGI Pornography, British Association for American Studies (online)

Aurélie Petit and Patrick Galbraith, Online Violence and Ethical Togetherness, Queer and Feminist Perspective on Japanese Popular Cultures Symposium (online)

Aurélie Petit, Situating Animated Porn Content Producers in the Sex Work Economy, Society of Cinema and Media Studies Conference, Boston, US



Aurélie Petit, Filmography of Sexual and Erotic Animation Films. Medium.

Conference papers

Aurélie Petit, Examining the Ethical Differences Between Deepfake Pornography and Pornographic Animation, Shaping AI for Just Futures Conference. AI + Society Initiative, Ottawa, Canada

Aurélie Petit, The Difficulties of Distributing Japanese Pornographic Animation in America, Society of Cinema and Media Studies Conference, Denver, US



Aurélie Petit “Do female anime fans exist?”: The impact of women-exclusionary discourses on rec.arts.anime. Internet Histories. Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 352-368.

Aurélie Petit, Gozem. Super Apps (contributor). Platform Lab Research Report. Issue 2.

Aurélie Petit, Anime Streaming Platform Wars(editor and contributor). Platform Lab Research Report. Issue 1.

Conference papers

Aurélie Petit, Alt-right’s Lineage in Anime Online Culture, Digital Histories Graduate Conference. Brown University, Providence, US

Aurélie Petit, #IStandWithVic or Anime Fandom Online Resistance to Its #MeToo Movement, Fandom After #MeToo/#BalanceTonPorc Symposium. Chicago University and Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France

Aurélie Petit, Examining the Platformization of the Anime Streaming Market in France, Global Perspectives on Platforms and Cultural Production Conference. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Aurélie Petit, On the need to theorize French pornographic animation using comics history [De la nécessité de penser l’animation pornographique française par la bande dessinée], Cinéma (d’animation !) et bande dessinée. Nouvelles Écritures du Film d’Animation, Angoulême, France


Conference papers

Aurélie Petit, Hentai French Online Fandom, Mechademia Conference (online)

Aurélie Petit Becoming Political. Anime Imagery in Alt-Right Online Discourses, Society of Cinema and Media Studies Conference (online)



Aurélie Petit, Book review of The Anime Boom in the United States (Michal Daliot-Bul and Nissim Otmazgin). Synoptique: An Online Journal of Film and Moving Images Studies, “Animating LGBTQ+ Representations: Queering the Production of Movement”, volume 9, n°1, pp. 129-131.

Conference papers

Aurélie Petit, Undead Photography: A Media Archeological Approach to the Handle Kodak Camera, Conférence Hypothèses. Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, Canada 

Aurélie Petit, The History of Japanese Pornographic Animation in France [Une histoire de la pornographie japonaise animée en France], Otakuton Festival, Montreal (online)



Aurélie Petit, Industrial and economic stakes for French pornographic and erotic animation [Enjeux économiques et industriels de l’animation pornographique et érotique française]. Revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication, dossier « L’animation comme industrie culturelle ? Concevoir et produire le dessin animé », n°18, pp. 1-16.

Conference papers

Aurélie Petit, Studying Hentai in a French Context, Theorizing Anime: Invention of Concepts and Conditions of Their Possibility. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Aurélie Petit, Japanese Pornographic Animation in France: Reception as ConstructionSociety of Animation Studies Conference. Universidade Lusofona, Lisbon, Portugal


May 2024 Adult animation: presented by Aurélie Petit. Les sommets de l’animation. La Cinémathèque Québécoise, Montreal, Canada

Feb 2024 Digital Intimacy, Gender & Sexuality Lab. Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

May 2022 Fandom Politics: Does passion erase dominations? [Politique des fandoms: la passion efface-t-elle les dominations ?] Collectif Mauvaises Herbes, Angoulême, France